instruções para entender o sentimento daquela corrente submersa

série de vídeos, cor/som,  20”, 2023.

montagem do trabalho na exposição hotties tech, rio de janeiro, 2023

(…) There was this undertow
I sensed but did not understand (…)*
Yoko Ono por Michiyo Fukaya no livro A fire is burning/ it is in me
Crescendo enquanto uma pessoa birracial em um ambiente majoritariamente branco, muitas vezes sentia que havia algo que me diferenciava, me machucava, mas não entendia muito bem o que era, não sabia nomear. Agora, depois de entender as racialidades amarelas e seu contexto complexo no Brasil, consigo perceber, nomear e ter ferramentas para lidar com as violências da branquitude.
Essa série criada foi em conjunto com a máquina a partir de instruções escritas por Yoko Ono retiradas do livro acorn. O título veio a partir dos versos desse poema/carta da Michiyo Fukaya e cada vídeo é em homenagem a uma artista japonesa.
1 – sky piece viii para Mariko Mori
2 – city piece viii para Chieko Takamura
3 – cleaning piece ii para Miroco Machiko
4 – sound piece ii para Tamako Takaoka
5 – dance piece iv para Chiharu Shiota
6 – wish piece v para Yuki Ogura
Essa obra participou da exposição Hotties Tech, com curadoria de Priscila Nassar e Raiana Moraes, na Ble Galeria no Rio de Janeiro.

* havia essa correnteza

eu sentia mas não entendia

Video series, color/sound, 20”, 2023.

exhibition at the Hotties Tech exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, 2023

“(…) There was this undertow
I sensed but did not understand (…)”
Yoko Ono by Michiyo Fukaya in the book A Fire is Burning / It is in Me

Growing up as a biracial person in a predominantly white environment, I often felt there was something that set me apart, that hurt me, but I didn’t quite understand what it was, I didn’t know how to name it. Now, after understanding East Asian racial identities and their complex context in Brazil, I can recognize, name, and have tools to deal with the violence of whiteness.

This series was created in collaboration with the machine, based on written instructions by Yoko Ono taken from the book Acorn. The title comes from the verses of Michiyo Fukaya’s poem/letter, and each video is a tribute to a Japanese artist.

1 – Sky Piece VIII for Mariko Mori
2 – City Piece VIII for Chieko Takamura
3 – Cleaning Piece II for Miroco Machiko
4 – Sound Piece II for Tamako Takaoka
5 – Dance Piece IV for Chiharu Shiota
6 – Wish Piece V for Yuki Ogura

This work was part of the Hotties Tech exhibition, curated by Priscila Nassar and Raiana Moraes, at Ble Gallery in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • “There was this undertow
    I sensed but did not understand”