instalação digital, 2022

“quero poder desfrutar da insularidade (…) fazer do nosso ser esse lugar esse ecossistema onde aqueles que escolhemos – ou que nos escolheram – se tornem comensuráveis, para além dos abismos que nos separam.”
Nastassja Martin, escute as feras

obra comissionada para a mostra Delírios Digitais na Bienal de Arte Digital (Oi Futuro, RJ, 2022) e fez parte da OUTRAGEOUS! Exhibition do Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art (2023).

disponível online

 Nastassja Martin, in the eye of the wild

Digital installation, 2022

“I want to enjoy this insularity (…) it’s about making of ourselves the place, the ecosystem where those we have chosen—or who have chosen us—become, beyond the gulfs that divide them, commensurable.”
— Nastassja Martin, Listen to the Wild

The work was commissioned for the Delírios Digitais exhibition at the Biennial of Digital Art (Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, 2022) and was part of the OUTRAGEOUS! Exhibition at the Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art (2023).

available online